Video Demonstrating SM Instruments SeeSV205 Acoustic Camera being used to locate Squeak and Rattle noises on Automotive windsheilds and Wiper Systems

SMI Instruments have released a Video demonstrating the SeeSV205 Sound Camera being used to Test Windsheilds and Wiper Systems.

Squeak and Rattle Noises emitted from Automotive Windsheilds and Wiper Systems has been difficult to locate and resolve quickly in the past , the series of videos below show how easily Automotive Quality Departments can now identify and make modifications to there designs quickly and easily.





For more information on how the SeeSV205 sound Camera can acclerate the location of Squeak and Noise Rattle Noise on your products , please visit

THP Systems can now offer our customers the option to hire or purchase the SeeSV205 Sound camera in the United Kingdom and for more information on our services please contact us on [email protected]