Ziegler Instruments / Automotive

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  1. Ziegler Instruments

    H3P Stick-Slip Test Bench

    The H3P is specifically designed to measure the stick-slip effect under the influence of third-party substances, such as oils, greases, […]
  2. Ziegler Instruments


    The SSP-04 is specifically designed to measure the stick-slip effect of a material pairing, with the aid of an acceleration […]
  3. Ziegler Instruments

    Korema Test Bench

    Noises due to friction can have a very unpleasant psycho-acoustic effect on humans, which has a direct effect on a […]
  4. Ziegler Instruments

    High Power-Shaker For Components

    The test bench for vehicle components – The EvoCarb – impresses with the completely redesigned optic and the technical performance increase through […]
  5. Ziegler Instruments

    High Power-Shaker For Vehicles

    By using our patented High Power Shaker in test bench construction for Squeak and Rattle analyzes, disturbing noises can be […]
  6. Ziegler Instruments

    ZoundLab / OCIAN

    For customers from the automotive industry, the additional module OCIAN [Objective Classification of Instationary Annoying Noises]for the evaluation of transient noise has been developed within […]
  7. Ziegler Instruments


    The TouchFeel-Box makes it possible – within the scope of quality assurance of materials – to check the tactile properties […]
  8. Ziegler Instruments


    The touch temperature is closely related to perceived quality. When touching a material surface, we humans have a certain expectation […]